Wednesday, 12 June 2013

learning new tricks.

I've tried painting with some other unexpected objects lately. 
This time, it's salt. 
I've seen so many people use salt with watercolours and have always wanted to try it, 
and I'm not sure why I hadn't tried earlier. 
It's brilliant! 

Excuse the terrible photos, 
I'll try upload some better quality ones of the next ones I do. 

It didn't take long before the patterns started taking place.
I was seriously in awe of what it did to the paint - 
no two patterns will ever be the same. 

(I didn't take before shots of all of them, which was a bad idea)


This rainbow one looks awesome in real life! 

I really enjoyed doing these. 
The only downsides were having to wait for it to dry properly - which was overnight - 
and trying to scrape the salt off later without ruining the paint/paper. 
I had run out of my 300gm paper, so these were done on 180gm (nowhere near as high in quality) 
and I think this made a huge difference. 
I'm going to invest in some more 300gm paper and try again. 

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