Saturday, 29 December 2012

floral inspirations.

This started as a spiral. 
It ended as a flower. 
I think I'm going to frame it for my little cousin. 

Friday, 28 December 2012

trails of blue.

I started scribbling the other day and somehow came up with this: 
a trail of stones or ovals or something. 
It's a spiral of blue - the colour of calm. 

Saturday, 1 December 2012

hey there, bright colours.

This is the piece I finished the other day that was still drying. 
The colours seriously brighten my day every time I look at them. 
(Keep in mind they do look a tad different to me in real life than in this photo.)

It kind of reminds me of the Olympic Torch, too. 

Thursday, 29 November 2012

my day with anthony.

Today I spent a few hours with the lovely Anthony. 
We painted and ate lots of junk food. 
And it was lovely. 

These are a few things I came up with. 

There is one more, but it's still drying. 
That'll get posted later. 

Thank you for a wonderful day, Anthony!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

another quick look.

 I've outlined the pattern for my latest mandala. 
I'm not sure what to do next though. 
Maybe I'll outline a few parts thicker than others... 
We'll see. 

Friday, 23 November 2012

drops and drips.

I gave smaller drops a go with this one - something a little different from my usual. 
Working with small spaces and shapes is so much easier. 
I had fun. 

sneak peak..

A sneaky little look at the mandala I'm working on. 
Still working on the pattern, but the colours are done! 

Featuring (pretty much) every colour of the rainbow!

Thursday, 22 November 2012

a church window?

 I spent my day painting and this is what I came up with. 
I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I've been told it looks like a church window. 
I'll go with that. 

Since it was a tad windy, there are a lot more watermarks than usual. 
I didn't like them at first, but they've grown on me. 
Next time, I'm just going to be a tad more careful outside; 
I need to protect my paintings a bit better.

Saturday, 17 November 2012


Mandala simply means 'circle'. 
They are used in Buddhism and Hinduism as a spiritual focus point. 
A little while ago, I remembered we had to create our own mandala at school in year 9 or 10 that represented who we were or somewhere that made us feel safe. 
So, when my life got a little crazy, I decided to start making some more to help me focus and calm down. 

I used the same shapes in many different ways and came up with a few that are now stuck up on my wall. 

Initially, they began in black and white, but I've dabbled in some watercolours too, and am in the process of a large one that will be hopefully be finished some time soon! 

Thursday, 15 November 2012

stepping stones.

besides the little odd one sticking out the side, i really like this one. 
the colours make me happy.. 
and the stepping stone look, well, i guess that's a little symbolic of everything in my life right now. 

but i'm still not sure whether it should be landscape or portrait? 

another study of triangles.

this week i decided to start painting more and more, 
just to get back into it and make sure uni hasn't ruined me. 

so, i decided to sketch some triangles.. 

and this is what i ended up with. 

i'm still a bit rusty. 
it's been a while since i painted anything that took me longer than half an hour. 
but hopefully little things like this will help me improve even more! 

Friday, 9 November 2012

a few old pieces.

i was looking through a few old folios and discovered a few of my favourite water colours i thought i'd lost at school last year. 
they aren't my best pieces of work, but i love the shapes and colours so much.
very happy to have found them! 

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

a little look at rounder shapes.

some swirls, circles and teardrops. 

just a few triangles.

manipulating everyday shapes to look how i want them to. 

ps.  sorry for the poor quality of the photos - 
i'm in desperate need of a new scanner or camera! 

i'm elyse

 and i like to create. 

i'm doing this because all the little paintings and drawings i do just sit in my room 
and i'm the only one who sees them. 

i'm not sure if they're anything special, but i thought i'd show them anyway. 

if you're interested in anything or have any questions,
 feel free to email me!